Get Fit Get in shape Get Fit + Peter / Wednesday, November 25, 2020 0 2392 Article rating: No rating Join a Gym, get into shape and lose weight! Category, To Do, Health, Lifestyle, Sport
Family Reunion Organize a Family Reunion Family Reunion + Peter / Tuesday, October 13, 2020 0 2387 Article rating: No rating To organize or be involved in a family reunion with as many relatives as can attend. Category, To Do, Lifestyle, Social
Go Skydiving Anywhere Go Skydiving + Peter / Thursday, August 15, 2019 0 2371 Article rating: No rating There are many places around the world that offer Skydiving, either Solo or Tandem. Try it! Category, To Do, Outdoor, Sport, Country
Run a Marathon Anywhere Run a Marathon + Peter / Thursday, August 15, 2019 0 2283 Article rating: No rating Challenge yourself to train for, run in and complete a marathon! Category, To Do, Health, Lifestyle, Country
Drive a Veteran Car Anywhere Drive a Veteran Car + SuperUser Account / Tuesday, June 11, 2019 0 2242 Article rating: No rating How about a drive in a Veteran Car, maybe a Bently or a Rolls-Royce, or even a Ford Model T. Category, To Do, Leisure, Outdoor, Country
Whitewater Rafting Anywhere Whitewater Rafting + SuperUser Account / Tuesday, June 11, 2019 0 2044 Article rating: No rating Want to do something different and exciting, there are many rivers throughout the USA anf other countries that offer Whitewater Rafting. Category, To Do, Leisure, Outdoor, Sport, Country